
Friday, June 14, 2013

Fucking Nutritionist!!!!!

So, I go to the nutritionist...I had a conversation with her over the phone prior to my first visit to g¡her office...thinking she sounded I mentioned before....well, SHE WAS A MIDGET....Ok..I know that I am supposed to say "Little Person". But this motherfucking "little person" had an attitude, so screw it!!! I am calling her MIDGET
Well, this midget looks at me like I am some sort of alien and starts asking all these stupid questions. Yeah right, you are a nutritionist and you have never seen a fat guy before....unreal!!!!!
First of all, the only reason I went there is because I need a diet so I can go from solids, to semi solids, to liquid, and so on...I don´t need a fucking lecture on WHY I am fat
I know why I am fat...because I EAT JUNK, and lots of it, ALL THE TIME!!!! DUH!!!
I also do not need someone telling me that I have little to no will power. HELLOOOOOOO   I know that, that is why I am removing my stomach from my body!!!!!.
 Here is how some of the conversation went
Midget: What kind of food do you eat?
FatRolando: Junk food
M: That is not healthy.
FR: No shit!!!
M: I think if you put your mind and heart and soul into it you can lose weight
FR: I will put my wallet into it and YES I will lose weight. My heart and soul are in other places
M: Where?
FR: Adriana, vaginas, Express slim fit shirts...that sort of thing.......(she did not get it....sorry Mia, had to through a vagina in there)
M: I think I can help you lose weight
FR: I don´t think so
M: I think you must believe in yourself
FR. I believe in the scalpel, also, i do believe in myself AFTER the surgery
M: Do you believe in Jesus? He can help you go through this.....
FR: (Big we go)  Does Jesus has me as a dependent in his insurance policy? If not, then I am on my own
M: You can pray, don´t you pray?
FR: I do, very much, always, I in a church or in a nutritionist´s office?
M: I am just concerned, surgery is the last resort
FR: Yup, I am doing it
M: Is there anything I can do or say to stop you from doing this?
FR: Do you have a giant vaccuum that can suck all of my neck and belly fat? Remove my double chin?
M: (laughter) No!
FR: Then fuck it, I am doing the surgery. Give me the diet and that is it
Why is this person obsessed with the fact that some people decide to go through surgery?
I wish that I could do porelain veneers to everyone that came to my office, however, some can´t afford them, some are not convinced about the treatment and some just don´t want to do them!!!! I get it, it is not unethical to have surgery done.... nor to offer the surgery.
I mean, I made an educated and calculated decision...I think i am somewhat educated, and I have been doing my research on this matter, after all the reading and consultation, I decided to go with it!!! it takes some massive amount of balls to go through this, I think that I could even die. I am very nervous about this, I am losing my sleep, and I am both depressed and excited at the same time.....
So ......she can BITE ME!!!!!
I don´t need some fucking midget nutritionist rocking my boat.......
Just saying.....

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