
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Fucking Nutritionist 2

So yesterday I had to go AGAIN to the midget house...I mean...nutririonist......She was supposed to send me the diet via email...she did not....because she hates my ass..I am a 6 feet tall man, she is a she hates me, just because
i went to her office and she took all the fucking time in the world to print the motherfucking diet.
She hands it to me, i read it...WTF?????
It went something like this, in parenthesis are my questions....MENU 1  Breakfast, scrambled eggs (how many eggs, eggwhites?) with vegetables (which ones? onion tomato mushroom pepper??), 1 slice of bread (which one? Rye whole grain? Multigrain? White?)  Coffee with Milk (which milk?..2% Non fat? What)   As soon as I started asking a fucked up conversation began....
FatRolando: You are not very precise on these here indications
Midget Nutririonist: Well, all you have to do is read
FR: I am reading but I cannot figure out the amounts for each meal.
MN: Why is that?
FR: Because you did not write them here.
MN: Well you can figure it out
FR: What?!? Look, you are the specialist, you should be more thorough
MN: I understand you are nervous for doing something like you are about to do....but take it easy and just go with the flow...
FR: What flow? Look I am nervous, but because I am supposed to be on some diet prior to the surgery and you are fucking this up for me!!!!
MN: It is your decision....not mine
FR:  It sure is
MN: I think you a re making a mistake, there are risks, you might die...!!!! Besides, why despise your body that much?
FR: YES I despise my about you?
MN: I don´t despise your body
FR: I am talking about YOUR body (fucking midget)
MN: That is rude
FR: You telling me that I can die in the OR is rude
MN: Well, it is true
FR: What is also true is that you are an idiot...with all due respect..FUCK YOU! AND BTW; after the surgery, I will get A LOT OF ACTION.....what are you getting right now? Pitty Sex?
end of conversation, I left the place as I got up abruptaly
I had to call AH (surgeon) in order to tell him this...he said and I quote "(sounding like Cheech and Chong high on weed) Dude...chilll . You already have a surgery already have everything setup, I will send you a diet over email, follow that and you are good to go"
MOTHERFUCKER....WHY did he not do that from the begining? WHY make me go to the midget nutritionist and the whole ordeal?
Unreal...I feel I am surrounded by idiots, but hey...takes one to know one!!!!
Anyway, all is good, and today I feel very happy because yesterday, I got a hug from m
y girl, who told me she loved me regardless of my fatness (I know it is bullshit, but at least she tries...gotto give her that)
Have a good one


  1. Dear Rolando,

    It sound's as if your nutritionist was a psychology major. Don't let her upset you. Talking with your surgeon was a good idea. Maybe he can prescribe some of that medicinal weed to help the situation.

    Keep the faith and good luck,


    1. Dear Steven,

      I pitty the Midget, Nd my surgeon smokes pot....cheech and chong baby!!!!
      Maybe I will get some for my recovery
      Keep on trucking
