
Monday, July 22, 2013

Scale and shit

So, the AH surgeon told me that I should avoid weighing myself, and wait until 1 month has gone, then I can weigh myself his office..
I told him that I am buying a scale and use that weight of that day as a baseline....fuck it!!! I need to know the exact amount of pounds....I could careless about clothing and shit!!!  Sure, they fit me better, some I have already lost because they are too baggy....and some others are still too tight....nevertheless, I need POUNDS!!!! NUMBERS....but I will have discipline, and wait....August 4th...first weigh in
BTW....This friday is my B´day...I expect at least an ecard or some let´s go biathces....send me some shit!!!!!
I miss chocolate, and coca cola.......I also miss Cake (and waffles)

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