
Sunday, July 14, 2013

Little confused

I don´t feel hungry, but I still think like a fat person.
It is quite difficult to share with people that don´t understand what I am going through right now
I also get a lot of mixed messages from everyone, because everyone does their own research and have an opinion about what I should do and shit.
I went to a restaurant with Adriana and her sister....italian...they ordered some pasta dishes that looked quite good.
I ordered a bowl of spinach cream.....LAME!!!!!
I had maybe six TEASPOONS and Adriana and her sister told me (with their mouths filled with pasta and Parmesan cheese) you are eating too much!!!!  FUck them!!!!
I had six teaspoons...that´s it...and these two had maybe 2 pounds of pasta each PLUS some chocolate dessert and I AM EATING TOO MUCH
I get it...they are concerned...but you cannot tell me I am eating too much while you have pasta all over your face.
Conclusion: I am not going out for a meal until I can eat while I am on phase two of the recovery (basically liquids, pureed food or mashed) I am staying at home.....Fuck it!!!!
Too much watchoing other people pigout on a saturday while I had my little bowl of soup.
It is not that I NEED the food...I know that  my stomach cannot take I will be defeating the purpose if I tried to pigout....BUT I don´t need the agony nor the bullshit around food and restaurants...I went out too soon.

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