
Monday, August 26, 2013

Wassup Biatches

So, I get invited to the beach this past weekend, some sort of boat party (can´t drink, can´t much for that fucking party)
Anyway, I try on my shorts ...None of them fit!!!!! Too freaking they fall off!!!
Unreal. I tried to pull them up...all the way to my chest....Adriana tells me that I look like a DORK, and I should go and get new shorts.
I don´t want to spend money on clothes that I might lose again, she said that either I buy new clothes, or buy ropes to tight up my pants that keep falling off.  Damn it!!!!!
I go and get new shorts, I was a size 44 (fuck you and your skinny jeans).
BUT now I am a size 38...a little tight though, BUT 40 is too big and also fall off.
I ask for a size 40 at the store....only 2 models and shit...I try them and too I ask for a size 38...WOW...massive selection.
For the first time in a long long long time I felt kind of NORMAL!!!
I had great sex that night...self esteem up the wazooo
Adriana tells me that i am becoming more and more snotty....that being skinny will turn me into an obnoxious person....well..I get its time for her to go then!!!!
Kidding. Love her to death.
43.5 pounds down...57.5 to go!!!!
In less than 2 months...I surely hope that this slows down a bit.
Cheers Biatches

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