
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Non-Believers, snotty, assholes MoFos

Here is the proof of how this surgery can and WILL change your life.
There is absolutely no reason NOT to do this.
I will do it every single time I am asked.
I will recommend it to everyone who is thinking about it.
Here is a picture for you non-believers, assholes who only criticize and don´t understand the benefits of my decision
BTW...ALL BISCO PEOPLE...I love you sooo much...this is not for you!!!!!
Cheers you fuckers!!!!!!!

Monday, August 26, 2013

New SHORTS!!!! Great Boobs!!!!

On the boat...wearing NEW Shorts

On the way to the freaking party

Wassup Biatches

So, I get invited to the beach this past weekend, some sort of boat party (can´t drink, can´t much for that fucking party)
Anyway, I try on my shorts ...None of them fit!!!!! Too freaking they fall off!!!
Unreal. I tried to pull them up...all the way to my chest....Adriana tells me that I look like a DORK, and I should go and get new shorts.
I don´t want to spend money on clothes that I might lose again, she said that either I buy new clothes, or buy ropes to tight up my pants that keep falling off.  Damn it!!!!!
I go and get new shorts, I was a size 44 (fuck you and your skinny jeans).
BUT now I am a size 38...a little tight though, BUT 40 is too big and also fall off.
I ask for a size 40 at the store....only 2 models and shit...I try them and too I ask for a size 38...WOW...massive selection.
For the first time in a long long long time I felt kind of NORMAL!!!
I had great sex that night...self esteem up the wazooo
Adriana tells me that i am becoming more and more snotty....that being skinny will turn me into an obnoxious person....well..I get its time for her to go then!!!!
Kidding. Love her to death.
43.5 pounds down...57.5 to go!!!!
In less than 2 months...I surely hope that this slows down a bit.
Cheers Biatches

Friday, August 9, 2013

Huge mistake

So, I make some great chicken meatballs. Easy as 1..2..3.
Put a half of cup of onions in a skillet with a little bit of EVOO (extra virgin olive oil), and some garlic...salt.....cook until golden....5 minutes---..then on a food processor mix that with some chicken breast meat....grind, add an egg and some bread crumbs (or almond flour...blanched).  make 1 inch little balls, put them on parched paper on a baking sheet, oven....30 minutes....then they are good to go. I made some spaghetti sauce (tomato, basil, that kind of shit) and dunked them in there for about 45 minutes...simmering.
Who cares right?
Well....I threw up ALL NIGHT!...well NOT all night...but damn it!!! they were delish...but I threw up all of it...WHY you might ask?
Well, I cannot eat fast, the amount of food that i put in my mouth has to be basically half a teaspoon!!  That´s right...half a fucking teaspoon...then I have to chew at least 30 times each bite.....
I DID NOT do any of the above mentioned....huge chunks of food, rapidely, and barely chewing.... I ate 2 meatballs and right there and then...BATHROOM...THROWING UP!
I felt like back in college when I threw up while drinking and eating......all at the same time!!!!
This sucks....however....I think I probably lost an extra pound or so...due to the puking

Monday, August 5, 2013

Today, @work.....feeling great, lighter and much better.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

It has been a month

Today it has been four weeks since my surgery.
It has been an interesting journey.
I can´t say it has been all bad....there are great benefits from this ordeal. Actually it has all been pretty darn good.
I had some blood work done 2 days is called (at least here) profile 20...which provides results for a massive amount of different tests and values and shit.
Cholesterol levels the day of the surgery....254 mg/dl....if you don´t have a clue what normal values should be...well let me tell you that anything above 220 mg/dl is considered at risk or very high
Cholesterol level this week....173 mg/dl...anything below 200 is considered desirable.
On another note...I was in an elevator with Adriana and some nice looking lady went in.
I smiled and said "good morning"...she replied..."OMG you smell so good!!!!!!" (orgasmic tone to it).
I am back in the game baby!!!!!....Adriana got pissed off...but....... who fucking cares!!!!!!!....bye bye belly...helloo ladies!!!!!!